Operating Team

  • Dawn Carey


  • Jamie Scanlon

    Chief Operating Officer

  • Mike Tapper

    Lead Counsellor

  • Lucy Hobbs

    Senior Counsellor

  • Jenna Meyrick

    Social Media Officer


  • Stephen Hooper

    Grants Manager

  • Hazel



  • Jo Reeves


  • Jack Millier


  • Ben Shillaker

  • Beverley Symonds

    A mum of 3 grown up children, granny to 3 grandchildren - not forgetting my Staffy, Edmund - I grew up in Burnham-on-Sea and have been living back in the area since 1997.

    The biggest part of my working life has been as a volunteer, frontline worker and manager of domestic abuse, substance misuse and family support charities. 

    For 9 years I managed a Home-Start Bristol, but since 2017, I have been a Funeral Celebrant, delivering Services and supporting bereaved families. 

    Being local and with my work life experience I am keen to support ICM, a local charity -  at a time when there is such a huge need for mental health support and awareness, especially among young people.

  • Doreen Smith

    Doreen Smith has over 40 years in senior leadership roles at Chief Executive level leading charities of various sizes and purpose but mainly connected with mental health, community services and domestic abuse. Her expertise is in change management and HR.

    She is passionate about volunteering and believes that she owes her interesting career to volunteering. A past Trustee of BIBIC for several years she provided free consultancy to small charities on all aspects of governance and operations as part of a nationwide bank initiative Business in the Community.

    An enthusiastic gardener and allotment holder she lives in a small and friendly village where her two daughters and several grandchildren visit frequently. If Doreen could choose one ‘mantra’ it would be the quote from Leah LaBelle.

    Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to’.

  • Doug Plume

    Doug’s experience with mental health began with growing up with a close family member having a major chronic mental illness.

    He trained as a Registered Mental Health Nurse and worked in various health care settings, from in-patient admission to psychiatric intensive care wards and later moving to community settings within the NHS including assertive outreach where he led and supervised a team of professionals involved with the care of clients who had a history of difficult engagement with mental health services. Also worked in the private sector for a while in both, forensic mental health care and elderly care.

    Doug became involved with ICM near the time of its inception, as although retired from nursing and the direct delivery of care he still felt passionate that people need good and prompt mental health care. As a trustee of ICM he also is able to offer some clinical guidance to the board and when needed can advise the clinical staff.

  • Rob Fountain

    Rob is a social worker by training who has worked in the charity sector for over 20 years.  He was previously CEO of Age UK Gloucestershire for 7 years.  Rob currently works part time in charity strategy and advice, as well as working as a funeral celebrant. Rob lives in Burnham on sea with his wife and two sons - his eldest was a couple of years behind Charley at school.

  • As a board it is our job to oversee charity accounts and operations, provide long-term strategic direction, hold senior management to account, and help steer the fundraising and public relations work that we do.

    Our Trustees come from a wide variety of backgrounds and careers spanning from Education, Accountancy, and Third Sector Management, all the way to Mental Health Nursing and Wellbeing & Fitness. This excellent range of expertise means that our Trustees bring wide and fresh approaches to both day-to-day and strategic management of ICM. 

    If you are interested in sharing your knowledge and experience as a Trustee then please write to us to begin the application process.

Counselling Team

Our Counsellors

Our BACP qualified team come from a range of fields and have experience in many areas of mental health support. Our qualified counsellors will be the ones who carry out your assessments. Our Safeguarding Lead is our Lead Counsellor, Mike Tapper. We have 39 Qualifying Counsellors. Our student counsellors are in their final year of their academic studies and they are completing their practical hours with us. Some of them have completed all their client hours and are waiting for their BACP certificate. Some of our counsellors are studying for their PHDs and master’s degrees.

CPD Training

We pride ourselves on offering highly trained counsellors to our clients and our counsellors continue to develop their skills on an ongoing basis. We provide a comprehensive CPD training package as part of their placement or employment, so they have up to date training at all times.